The Expert Group’s report, Partnership for the Public Good: A New Funding Model for Early Learning and Care and School-Age Childcare (PDF), proposes a new funding model to deliver increased State investment to the sector.
As outlined in the report, the Expert Group’s vision is that the sector is increasingly publicly funded and publicly managed, delivering a service for the public good, to the benefit of children, parents, practitioners and society overall. It will enable a shift away from the marketisation of service delivery and towards partnership model, with responsibilities and benefits for both the State and providers.
Partnership for the Public Good details 25 recommendations to progress the successful implementation of this new funding model, grouped under five headings: Core Funding, Tackling Disadvantage, Affordability Measures, Fee Management, and the Role of the State.
The new funding model is intended, over time, to deliver transformational change including quality improvements to services, better pay and conditions for staff, tackling disadvantage, improved affordability for parents, better management of supply to meet demand, and support for provider sustainability.
The new funding model outlined in Partnership for the Public Good comprises four key elements:
Learn more in the pre-recorded information webinar on Partnership for the Public Good and Nurturing Skills: The Workforce Plan for Early Learning and Care and School-Age Childcare (2022-2028) below, with input from the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.