Why is Equal Start being introduced?
Equal Start consists of a series of measures to support children, settings and families. The goals of the Equal Start are that:
- All children , in particular children experiencing disadvantage, have equitable access and participation in ELC and SAC settings.
- All ELC and SAC settings , in particular settings operating in the context of concentrated disadvantage, equitably promote the learning and care of children from disadvantaged backgrounds.
- Parents and families , in particular parents and families experiencing disadvantage, are empowered with the knowledge, tools and supports necessary for children to have equitable access and participation in ELC and SAC.
Equal Start will adopt a tiered approach, which incorporates universal supports, child-targeted supports and setting-targeted supports.
First 5 committed to developing mechanisms to provide additional supports to ELC and SAC settings where there are high proportions of children who are at risk of poverty to mitigate the impacts of early disadvantage.
The work of an Expert Group to develop a new funding model for the sector, set out its report Partnership for the Public Good: A New Funding Model for Early Learning and Care and School-Age Childcare (2021), explored this commitment further, conducting research on how to identify children and settings in need of additional support and potential funding models to address early childhood disadvantage and made a number of recommendations to take this work forward.
A public consultation process was then undertaken specifically on the design of Equal Start. To engage with ELC and SAC providers, early years educators, SAC practitioners and representative organisations, a number of semi-structured interviews took place, followed by a series of workshops, both online and in-person. Questions covered current barriers, challenges and issues related to disadvantage in accessing and participating in ELC and SAC, priority groups, and possible supports and actions.
Links to key documents
EPM Steering Committee Terms of Reference
Report on the needs of parents with experience of Early Learning and Care School Age Care services
Report on NGO Day 1 Workshop Feedback
Report on NGO Day 2 Workshop Feedback
Report on ELC and SAC Day 1 Workshop Feedback
Report on ELC and SAC Day 2 Workshop Feedback
Report on Final Workshop Feedback May 2023
Feedback on Objective and Outcomes for EPM
Additional Nutrition Pilot Programme Evaluation